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Murky Depths #8


The Majority Shareholder Ed Norden [Art: Ed Norden]
Peachy David Tallerman [Paul Drummond]
The Wrath of God - Part 1 Luke Cooper [Luke Cooper]
What The Tongue Will Taste Sam J Drane [Ciaran Collins]
Collecting James Geoffrey Girard [Geoffrey Grisso]
Hero In Hell James Johnson [Alberto Cortes]
Out Of Time Jack Westlake [Nancy Farmer]
My Muse Wears Army Boots Christine Lucas [Ed Norden]
Recall Chris Huff [Joshua LaBello]
The Undead Lawrence Buentello [Jenna White]
Endless Sylvanus Moxley [Martin Deep]
Monitor Richard Rippon [Paula Friedlander]
Nosing With The Four-Stroke Kid KC Ball [Neil Struthers]
Pilgrimage Christopher Barker [Marc Jameson]
An Interview with James Johnson [James Johnson]
Depth Charge: The Replacement Storytellers Matt Wallace
The r@t Report: Recall Recalled r@t [Neil Morrissey]
r@t Confidential: Comic bios r@t [Various]
A list of all contributors to Murky Depths appears here.

Cover price £6.99
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REVIEWS of Issue #8
"From the near future to the far future, through apocalypse and death and out the other side of both, there's a heady mixture of thoughts and images to linger in the mind . . ." [Full review] - Gareth D Jones (SFcrowsnest)
"There is no other magazine like Murky Depths . . ." [Full review] - Sam Tomaino (SFRevu)

The graphically dark anthology mixing short stories with comics, 84 perfect bound pages in American comic book format. Less than half price AND free postage!



















Murky Depths